How did we get here?

“It started with a tea so perfect that when I tasted it I quit my job and started a tea company” - Jennifer Wood

This was an ethereal Pouchong that, at the time, was expensive and unavailable outside Taiwan.

Jennifer set up Canton from her kitchen table in 2007. Today, we are one of the UK’s leading premium tea suppliers. Our teas are served in some of the world’s finest hotels and restaurants.

“When we began, we thought it would be easy. We were wrong. We were wrong about so many things, but we were always right about the tea. Always.” - Jennifer Wood

We serve the best

We’re here for you

2020 changed many things and it was the right time to make our tea available to all. We now deliver some of the world’s best tea to your door.

What's the canton difference?

It’s simple: we work hard to make the finest teas available at the fairest prices.

We’re obsessed with how and where our tea is grown and processed. Most of our teas are beyond organic, some are biodynamic – and several are from abandoned tea farms where the plants now grow wild. Others are from ancient tea trees in the forests of Yunnan and Vietnam.

We’re transparent about provenance. We share the stories behind the teas. We visit the growers and build relationships. We’re less interested in certification and more interested in actual tea quality to allow for innovation, discovery and surprise.

Beyond how we source our tea, we’re always working on better ways to pack it for a lighter environmental touch. We are open about the materials we use, where we want to improve and the decisions we make.

Steep with care

Canton is about consideration at every step of the way, so this brings us to you. We want to help you get the best from the leaves. We have a blog on every tea and a brewing guide so you can steep with care. This is an invitation to value your tea, to indulge yourself or to share a moment with a friend. We want to encourage you to keep exploring and to find new favourite teas.

Once you taste Canton, it’s hard to go back. We hear this a lot.